Golf Handicap Calculator

Are you looking for an easy way to calculate your golf handicap? This golf handicap calculator is an ultra-simple, ultra-quick golf handicap calculator for the average golfer. Not sure what the course rating and course slope are? No problem, read below for instructions.
18 Hole Score: Course Rating: Course Slope:

How do I use this tool?

It's easy! Just enter up to five rounds of golf. We will only count the ones that are filled in. The 18 hole score is how many shots you took during that round of golf. Pretty obvious, I know.

The course rating and course slope are a LITTLE more tricky. Every golf course has these ratings. They are typically found on your scorecard. If not, check the golf club's website!

How accurate is this tool?

Truth be told, there is more to calculating a golf handicap than one might think. The USGA has specific rules which determine exactly how a golfer is to calculate his or her USGA Handicap Index®.

This tool's calculations are simple. It uses the standard golf handicap formula to calculate your handicap score for up to five rounds of golf. It then averages these scores, which is your handicap.